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» Tibbi təcili avadanlıq

Innovative Product 4 Wide Wheels Luxury Electric Stair Climbing Wheelchair – MAIKONG CO.LTD

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4 Wide Wheels Luxury Electric Stair Climbing Wheelchair by MAIKONG

MAIKONG CO.LTD is a trusted name in medical mobility solutions, with over 21 years of experience in designing and manufacturing top-quality healthcare products. Bizim 4 Wide Wheels Luxury Electric Stair Climbing Wheelchair combines luxury with functionality, making stair navigation simple and safe for elderly and disabled individuals. Built to withstand rigorous use, it features high-powered motors, four wide wheels for stability, and robust construction.

Why Choose the MAIKONG Electric Stair Climbing Wheelchair?

The MAIKONG Electric Stair Climbing Wheelchair is equipped with advanced stair-climbing technology, durable battery power, and safety features that make it an excellent option for challenging mobility needs. With a customizable seat size and ergonomic design, this wheelchair is both practical and comfortable, allowing users to navigate stairs safely and confidently.

Əsas Xüsusiyyətlər və Faydalar

  • Advanced Climbing Mechanism: Specially designed to handle stair angles of up to 25 degrees and slopes of 30 degrees.
  • High-Capacity Battery Power: Includes four 12V, 27AH batteries, allowing for an extended operation time of 1-3 hours on a single charge.
  • Enhanced Safety with Electromagnetic Braking: Provides automatic braking for increased safety on inclines and stairs.
  • Customizable for Individual Needs: Available seat sizes, adjustable controls, and OEM/ODM customization options.

Məhsulun spesifikasiyası

General Specifications

Atribut Təsvir
Model nömrəsi RGW-Z652
Güc mənbəyi Elektrik
Alətlərin təsnifatı II sinif
Mənşə yeri Çin
Certificate CE, ISO
Zəmanət 3 illər
After-sale Service Yerində Yoxlama

Detailed Dimensions and Capacity

Spesifikasiya Measurement
Size (mm) 1150 x 880 x 1370
Weight with Batteries (kq) 190
Load Capacity (kq) 150
Tyre Size Ø420 mm
Seat Size (düym) 16” / 18” / 20”
Seat to Floor (mm) 730
Chassis to Floor (mm) 140
Batteries 12V, 27AH x 4pcs
Driving Motor 1350W x 2pcs
Level Rack Motor 300W x 1pc
Max Speed 7.0 km/saat
Max Mileage 10-15 km
Operation Time 1-3 saat
Doldurma vaxtı 5-10 saat
Turning Radius 490 mm (360 degrees)
Step Climbing Angle 25 degrees
Slope Climbing Angle 30 degrees
Brake Type Electromagnetic braking
Drive Mode Four-wheel drive

Qablaşdırma & Çatdırılma

At MAIKONG, we prioritize the safe delivery of each wheelchair to our customers. Each unit is packed in a sturdy wooden box to prevent damage during transit and ensure that it arrives ready for immediate use.

Qablaşdırma növü Təfərrüatlar
Packaging Material Taxta Qutu Paketi
Təchizat qabiliyyəti 100,000 Ayda ədəd
Çatdırılma qrafiki Ships within 3-7 ödənişdən sonra günlər; arrival within 7-9 UPS vasitəsilə gün, DHL, or FedEx

Customization and Software Options

MAIKONG CO.LTD also offers OEM/ODM services, allowing customers to personalize the wheelchair’s packaging, görünüş, and software settings, including the option to set a custom logo on startup. Software settings support 3 language options2 diagnostic report formats to accommodate different user preferences and regional requirements.

Fərdiləşdirmə Seçimləri Təfərrüatlar
Qablaşdırma Customizable
Brendləşmə (OEM) Custom logo on startup
Proqram Dilləri 3 available languages
Diagnostic Reports 2 types of reports

Tez-tez verilən suallar (Tez-tez verilən suallar)

1. How does the wheelchair handle different stair types?
The four-wheel drive and advanced stair climbing technology allow it to handle standard and steep stairs with a climbing angle of up to 25 degrees.

2. How long does it take to fully charge the wheelchair?
Charging takes approximately 5-10 saat, depending on battery levels.

3. What happens if the wheelchair encounters an incline?
The wheelchair has electromagnetic braking, ensuring safety and control on both stairs and slopes.

4. Can I customize the size of the seat?
Bəli, we offer three seat sizes (16”, 18”, and 20”), allowing users to choose based on comfort needs.

5. Zəmanətin əhatə dairəsi nədir?
The wheelchair comes with a 3-year warranty covering all hardware, plus onsite inspection as part of after-sale service.

6. Is this wheelchair suitable for long-term outdoor use?
Bəli, the durable battery and robust frame make it ideal for both indoor and outdoor settings.

7. Can I place a bulk order?
Bəli, MAIKONG CO.LTD offers discounts and special pricing for bulk orders. Please contact us for distributor rates and partnership details.

For further assistance or to request a quote, reach out to MAIKONG CO.LTD today.

Məhsullarımızla bağlı suallarınız üçün, Orders & Support please contact MAIKONG.

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